How Dentists Can Achieve the Best Teeth Whitening

Most people are probably familiar with the feeling: you look in the mirror in the morning and notice that your teeth are not as brightly white as you would like. Even in photos or pictures, especially if they were taken with a flash, the slightly yellowish teeth look quite unpleasant. But why do teeth actually turn yellow? There can be a variety of reasons for this, which often don’t necessarily have to be related to poor dental hygiene.

In this blog article we will explain to you the reasons why your teeth turn yellow, what the causes are and how a competent dentist can achieve the best teeth whitening for you. In the course of the article we would also like to discuss the costs for the best teeth whitening treatment and what risks can play a role in this case.

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You deserve the best teeth whitening, but what are the reasons for your teeth becoming discolored?

Before we delve into the options used for the best teeth whitening by a professional dentist, let’s first look at the reasons why your teeth turn yellow. The discoloration of the tooth surface occurs gradually and usually over years: In addition to a lack of hygiene, an unfavorable diet or the intake of other substances through the mouth can contribute to tooth discoloration: Anyone who drinks coffee, cola or red wine frequently and a lot of it Teeth generally have a higher risk of discoloration.

Smoking cigarettes or tobacco can also contribute to the tooth surface becoming discolored. Pigment substances penetrate the surface of your teeth and cause the unpleasant yellow discoloration. The countermeasure is to lighten the surface pigments; this process is known as bleaching

Bleaching – How a dentist achieves the best teeth whitening

During bleaching, the teeth, or more precisely the tooth enamel, are lightened using the bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dentists use a very low concentration of hydrogen peroxide so as not to attack the tooth enamel any more than necessary. There are basically two approaches to the actual bleaching process: in-house bleaching, which is carried out in the dental practice itself, or home bleaching, which can be carried out in your own home using a special tray after being introduced by the dentist. Which option is more suitable can best be clarified by talking to your dentist and also depends on the extent of the teeth whitening to be carried out.

How much does teeth whitening cost at the dentist?

Since teeth whitening is a purely cosmetic procedure that is used to change the appearance of your tooth enamel according to your ideas, health insurance companies do not cover the costs of bleaching. What bleaching costs you will incur at the dentist usually have to be clarified in an individual consultation. In addition to the costs for the actual teeth whitening measure, the total costs in many cases also include preparatory procedures that are intended to protect the tooth enamel and the tooth itself from the aggressive hydrogen peroxide.

What are the risks of teeth whitening?

As already mentioned in the previous section, teeth whitening or bleaching with the bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide is not completely safe due to the aggressiveness of the substance, especially if you suffer from dental diseases in the oral cavity. Before teeth whitening, a dentist will first clarify whether any previous illnesses can be identified in your case. The possible pre-existing conditions that are or should be examined before teeth whitening include the following:

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Furthermore, treatment with hydrogen peroxide can cause the sensitivity of your teeth to increase. If you have any concerns about the side effects of teeth whitening, your dentist will inform you in a comprehensive consultation before the treatment