How do we protect our child’s teeth?

The tooth germs develop in our baby’s jaw bones in the uterus. It is therefore important to pay attention to the teeth that will erupt later from the start! In this article I will give you some useful tips and rarely heard information, and we will also clear up some misconceptions.

The benefits of breastfeeding

The composition and pH value of breast milk counteracts tooth decay.
Breast milk immediately reaches the throat during breastfeeding and triggers the swallowing reflex, so that the teeth hardly come into contact with it.
The muscle work required for sucking has a positive effect on the development of the jaw bones and thus reduces the risk of later tooth jam.

Here we provide some interesting reports on using a pacifier and a baby bottle.

Using a baby bottle or pacifier in addition to breastfeeding leads to impaired sucking, which has a negative impact on milk production.
They promote the development of bite disorders and clogged teeth, which leads to difficult tooth cleaning and ultimately to tooth decay and periodontitis.
They interfere with the development of the muscles needed for chewing, swallowing and speaking.
The higher oral pressure required to use the baby bottle is inevitable for middle ear infections due to pressure equalization problems in the eardrum.
In the first few months, pacifier use can negatively impact the development of good breathing habits.

How can we relieve our baby’s pain when teething?

In addition to the gum gels available on the market, you can try suitable refrigerated chews and soft finger or children’s toothbrushes. We can give our baby homemade ice cream, cold vegetables and fruits. A learning spoon with a textured surface is also available today to relieve pain while eating.

But what about the amber necklace?

There are currently no scientific studies showing that amber reduces toothache. In contrast, however, there have been several cases around the world where the chain has caused suffocation due to squeezing the neck or swallowing the chain eyes.